Electric Elevators ( with Machine Room)
Geared Traction Elevators
this system is slected for the ability of traveling to a maximum distance of 76 mters. this system requires that the shaft must a have an extra room up the last floor so that can be used as a machine room. This system compared to gearless system is cheaper, it has a fair installation and maintenance costs, and low energy consumption. unless their speed is slower than gearless elevators, geared elevators offer advantages in terms of energy efficiency as they use less power to turn the pulley (sheave). in addition this system can carry loads up to 13600 kg.
Machine Room less Elevator, MRL Elevators, MRL Lifts, Gearless Traction Elevators
Generally this system is adopted for the building where the extra distance on the last floor is lower and also the pit is limited.
Gearless traction elevators have a very high travel speed i.e. up to 6000 per minute and can travel a great distance. Their maximum travel distance is almost 600 mtr. they are the best and the only choice for high-rise buildings. These elevators had the ability to be employed in all kinds of buildings of any height and had a much higher speed than other hydraulic elevators. The gearless traction system, since then, has proven to be so durable that even today it is the best and most reliable option available for high-rise applications.